Purple Nudi on SWF.com


Does anyone know anything about this critter? Is it really reef safe and eat algea like they say? I thought that some of the brighter ones ate coral, or they don't what they eat in captivity.

the claw

Active Member
I've had two of them. They both last about 6 months, then disappeared. I think that is the norm. They have been compared to "pretty flowers" of the aquarium. They are beautiful, and you enjoy them for awhile, then they wilt. That's all I know. I felt fortunate to have mine for the time that I did. They are gorgeous. I had a blue one that lasted about the same amount of time.


Did you ever see any of them eating anything? Maybe they are just very short lived creatures, like some bugs or something.

the claw

Active Member
I thought they were constantly feeding. Thats what I figured, becasue they looked really healthy right up until the time they disappeared. I'm not sure if the experts even know.


Active Member
They are very short lived even in the ocean.....not exactly sure, but I think 6 months to a year is a common lifespan, and that is a happy healthy old age for them. I think there is an exception or two, but mostly they live and die of old age quite quickly. I believe some die of old age after a month, but that is not the norm.....I'm going to guess that most aquarium nudis have a 6 month to a year lifespan if that.........even if I'm off a little with the numbers, it is fact they are short lived. Some of the most beautiful creatures in the sea though.:)