purple o beautiful purple


Active Member
dont even worry... take it in while its not growing because once it starts you WILL regret it. i did.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hartman413
just a question... about how long does it take for coralline to start growing... just curious
My LR came with Coraline already growing on it. If u want it to spread fast get a piece with coraline already on it and then let it spread to other rocks.


Active Member
Seems like I have heard of ppl scraping it off and letting it "float" in the tank..kinda like I guess scraping it off and it will move on the another peice of rock..dont really know have never tried it..


are your lights new? I just heard someone say that they replace their bulbs every six months or so. I had about a year on mine and set it back up after being torn down for about 6 months. I had NO coralline growing at all, even after it's been set up for 6 months now. So, I changed my bulbs and within two days, I had three rocks with a bunch of it growing on them