Purple or Orchid Dottyback?

sea horse

Which would be better, Purple or Orchid Dottyback? What are the behaveure differences?
(I'v heard the purple is more agressive?) :happyfish


Active Member
Orchids are one of the least agressive dottybacks. Purples,strawberrys,sankyi's and neons are very agressive.There is a new hybrid from ORA,it's a mix of an orchid and sankyi and is called an Indigo dottyback{for now}..it is blue.And has the sweeter disposition of the orchid. They can be kept in pairs if you are lucky enough to find one.


Active Member
i have a strawberry in my tank ( i think its the same as the purple) its really only aggresive to new tank mates for a day or 2, and its REALLY pretty


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Thats funny...
I say no promises and who shows up next, promise.....haha
Hehe..yeah,I wish I could have come back with my real name. It was a ploy so they would let me stay...


New Member
My purple is the biggest bully I have ever seen he has my perc, six-line, gramma, and firefish secluded to one corner. I am taking him back to my lFS if I can catch him.


Active Member
My purple dottyback doesn't bother anybody except for my bi-colored dottyback .. so I think that without another dottyback in the tank you should be alright either way


I'd probably go with the orchid as well. I'll also say this. If you can find any tank-raised pseudos, purchase them. They might be a bit pricier, but they acclimate better, tend to be less aggressive, and they prevent pressure from collection for captivity. I tend to think that either one would be a decent fit for your tank. Also, just an FYI...PJ Cardinals tend to do better in groups. You might want to try adding another 2 or three of them to your tank, then adding the pseudochromis. Being that you'd add the pseudochromis last, I don't anticipate aggression problems, either.