Purple People Eaters


Does anyone have any pictures of true purple people eaters? I may be getting 5 polyps for $25 and want to make sure they are really true purple people eaters. :jumping:


Active Member
They're only "true" purple people eaters if they can be traced back to Blane Perun. If they can't (even if they look exactly the same) then they're not the originals.


Nice, thanks for the pic. Do you guys (and gals) think that 5 heads for $25 is a good price? I am not sure how much these normally go for. I will also be getting 20 heads of red zoo's for $15.


Sorry, just re read your reply above, but how much do they go for if they are not the originals? Or if they can't be traced back?
How do you trace them back anyways?


Active Member
Price for the look-a-likes vary a lot depending on how good they look. 5 polyps for $25 is a great deal if they're at all purple and green.
Basically, it's something like "he said she said he said", or in this case "he got it from her she got it from him." ;)
For example, I have a Tyree blue polyp cap, and the way I can trace it back to Tyree's actual colony is: I got it from a guy, Sand Dollar, and he got it from Tyree.
I got my pink polyp cap from Atlantis, and Tyree's original frag also can from the same colony from Atlanis.


Active Member
Can I ask why it matters who you got this stuff from? These people aren't creating these things are they? Somebody found them in the ocean originally right? So what's the difference who has owned them since?

reef diver

Active Member
Well u see the problem is is that noone can find thee anywhere else, and this has to be one of the nicest looking morphs ive seen!


Active Member
I'm a rare corals collector and I've been to a few local wholesalers and believe me, these corals that go for high prices definity do not show up often. I've actually so far never seen a coral at the wholesaler that even compares to a Tyree LE, and never seen any purple/green zoos like the PPE.


Active Member
Why doesn't someone get some and start to grow and frag them? It would seem that rare only means not available.


Active Member
Oh yea and that reminds me, PPE grows VERY slow compared to other zoos, so don't count on making some good income from them.


Active Member
you can always find wanna be's on @bay for a starting bid of 15-25 bucks for 5-10 heads. They are close to looking like them but nothing like a true PPE.
I was really surprised that some people actually remember the original finders name of PPE, way to go viper staying on top of his game.
I had to write the name down in my tanks book notes
Like viper said, the growth rate of the “rare” coral even with a perfect tank, that’s what makes them a true rarity and collectors piece, perfection and beauty come only in time.
A lot of sellers would like the unwary keeper to believe that “they have true PPE” at a great price, and it works. A new keeper sees and reads about the elusive PPE and wants them and sees a ridiculous cheap price for them and jumps all over it only to find out they have a relatively nice purple zoo with a green skirt.
Any seller who has them knows they are going to get top dollar for them and its only a couple of polyps.
I paid 195 dollars for four polyps and only to get a baby sundial snail with it and now I sit with a blank piece of rubble rock and shell on my desk, little SOB.
Some will say they are not worth the money, but then again beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and one can only judge the value for one self.
If a seller on @bay can’t tell you where his original colony came from or who, then my suspicions would be the seller has replicas.