purple pseudo and six line wrasse


Active Member
There shouldn't be any problem with those two fish together.
What else do you have in the tank?


Pseudo's are a little agressive towards other fish like grammas (same general shape) and certain gobies, but yes should be ok with a sixline.


Active Member
I've wanted to add a sixline with my psuedo for a long time. But he really does attack most new fish to the point of death. And I think the wrasse has a pretty similar body so I've not gotten one as a result. But I'm curious what would happen. Please post your results down the line if you get the wrasse.


Active Member
I will probably get one in the next few weeks. I think my pseudo is pretty docile considering the stories I've read on here about them. He doesn't bother anything (with the exception of a shrimp I saw him nipping at once) he actually gets chased by my clowns. I'll post here when I get the wrasse.


Any update corally? I'm considering adding a six line as well. My purple pseudo is pretty docile too, but I haven't tried adding any fish since I put him in.


Active Member
oops, sorry. I totally forget to follow up on this post.
I added the wrasse about 3-4 weeks ago. Everything has been perfectly fine, the pseudo hasn't bothered the wrasse at all. The wrasse isn't out an awful lot but when he is they are okay. I guess I just have good luck with my pseudo, it sounds like they can be pretty nasty!


yup, I'm here. Thanks Corally. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to do next. I think my tank may be a bit young for a six line. I've heard that they annihilate your pod population. My tank is still relatively young at only 5 or 6 months. I'm looking for one more small fish to add and that will probably be it for my stock list. Right now I've got two percs, one purple pseudo, cleaner shrimp, snails, etc...