Purple Pseudochromis


I would like to get one of these fish, but I heard that if you have live rock you hardly ever see these fish. Is that true? Or will they come out after awhile when they get used to the tank? Also can they get along with clownfish and clown gobies? My tank is 25 gallons.


Active Member
I had a purple pseudo before he committed suicide by jumping out, I loved mine. Alot of people say they are very aggressive but mine was VERY docile and he was out ALL the time. He got along with my clowns fine but I don't have any gobies so I'm not sure about that.


He jumped out? Did you have a hood on it? I have a hood on mine, but it has a hole in the back where the filter is, do you think he would jump out? What kind of clowns did you have? And did you have any more fish in there?


Active Member
I don't have a top on my tank. I have no idea why he jumped, they aren't known to be jumpers. I have oscellaris clowns, a sixline wrasse, a yellow tang, kole tang, pygmy angel, chromis, and a mandarin. He was one of the first fish added also, but still never bothered anything.


New Member
I have one with a coral beauty, 2 clowns and a blennie and he loves my rock, but hes always swimming around. They are a bold fish but mine hasnt hurt any of my fish.


Oh ok. Do you think I could add one of these fish and another fish at the same time? What would be a good smaller fish that could go with him in a 25 gallon tank?I do not want damsels I would get 2 clownfish, but your only suppose to add two every few weeks right? Do you have any suggestions?


Active Member
Originally Posted by hops523
Oh ok. Do you think I could add one of these fish and another fish at the same time? What would be a good smaller fish that could go with him in a 25 gallon tank?I do not want damsels I would get 2 clownfish, but your only suppose to add two every few weeks right? Do you have any suggestions?

How long has your tank been set up? I have added two fish at once but only after my tank was pretty established. I'm not sure about what to put with him in there...hopefully someone else can help with that.


Active Member
Make sure you get freidmani psuedochromis aka orchid dottyback..and not what is often called a purple/or strawberry psuedochromis.There is a huge difference in behavour. freidmani's have a black line extending away from the eye..that is the one you want. They do like to have a hiding /safe spot..but if it is in a tank with a less aggressive fish you should see him plenty. Get a passive fish to go with it such as a cardinal, perhaps a goby. Clown, watchman, bumblebee, neon or an eviota species would be good goby choices. Do not purchse any fish with an elongated body similar to the psuedo..such as royal gramma, firefish, etc. Sixline wrasses and damsels will sometimes fight with psuedochromis as well.


Active Member
Freidmani's are a great fish..not near as aggressive as the purples. Prettier too IMO. I love mine..I call her Rocksand.


I have had the tank set up for a few weeks, and awhile ago I added bio spira, if any of you have heard of it. I have had live rock in there for awhile, and I have been gettin water tests daily and ammonia, trites, trates are fine at 0. What other fish can go with them? Can I put him with one clownfish in a 25 gallon? If not what kind of fish? Oh my lfs dont sell friedmani.

kelly shaw

i have one in a fairly new tank with a blue damsel and a false perc clown. they all get along great. every once and a while he might chase someone, but other than that he is fine. he is always out in the open, only time he hides is when all the lights are off.


i have a strawberry psuedochromis and he is pretty mean but LOADED with personality. i think it's a great fish. i see mine all day (hides in his cave at night). anyways, good luck with the fish if you buy it! their great to watch.