Purple Pseudochromis


and a sixline wrasse? my LFS told me they might not get along, but I wanted to ask the experts.... any thoughts?


Active Member
pseudos can be nasty, especially in confined spaces. do not mix with basslets (i posted in your other thread).


Active Member
I think many wrasses would clash with a pseudo because they have very similar body types. The six line, however, does not seem to be one of these. I could understand how they may not get along, but I am really not sure if they would have a problem with eachother...
Anyone have experience with these two together?


Although I do not have this combo, I have a purple pseudochromis with a Ocelerous Clown,2 Green Reef Chromis and a Hippo Tang. I was quite concerned as they are in a temp housing of a 29 gal tank and was told they could have a bad temperment.. However the purple pseudo only goes after the Chromis,every once and awhile,and just to chase them off. It will swim with the Clown & Tang,but the Tang is the head of the tank.
Sorry,I know it's not exactly the combo of your question,just thought I would share a little of the fishes personality