Purple Tang and Hippo Tang


Active Member
Originally Posted by Seattle
Hhhmm...I am going to be flammed so dang much...So i'll keep my Blue-Hippo's Tank size to myself
Yes i'm new but I did my research quite long.I would say that the Purple Tang's are healthier but the Regal are easier in general :joy:
wow i hope it isnt in tht tank size.. well i would strongly advis you return him.. at an inch or 2 they need a 40 gallon... and yours well i sont wann a give ne clues so delete tht tank size outa your profile.. :hilarious


Well now to see what would happen if I said that well the truth is in July we are upgrading to a 125-gallon :jumping: So no worries


Four tangs in a 72g tank.. what has the world come to? But what annoys/upsets me the most is when people say.. "I bought an Achilles tang for my 55g and uhm.. I am gonna upgrade my tank soon!"
Do not buy a tang (or any fish) if you dont have the appropriate size tank for it when you buy it!


I agree, if the tank is too small NOW, don't buy it. The 72 bow is too small! 6 feet minimum for tangs!!! Call us the "Tang Police" You can also find me when your fish have issues. I mean no disrespect to anyone. There are PLENTY of posts on here of what kind of environment is suitable for what fish.


Active Member
not to promote tangs in 70 g...
but i have a purple, hippo, kole, two percs and 2 neons in my 75 g reef..
they all do very well and swim together.... there is plenty of room for now and they are really active
BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm constantly monitoring the water and weeekley water changes... this is def not recommended... i've had the hippo for over 2 yrs still about 3-4 inches, kole tang for about a yr i think, and the purple was added last novemeber....
The biggest problem fish i ever had was a small clown goby that would take down any sixed sailfin!!!!!! no joke,, i had a post on this and i had to get rid of the yellow lil monster!


Sorry but that is promoting it. People dont see the "BUT" in your statement. All they see is "I have 3 tangs in a 70g and they are doing fine."


Active Member
who ever has 2 tangs at once or had 2 tangs at once.. what happend did they get along?
did they fight for a little while then get alonig after a few hours aftr acclimations