purple tang compatibility????

florida joe

Well-Known Member
This is what I culled from a book I have on the purple tang "Take care with dwarf angelfish and other tangs, surgeon fish and other boisterous species however short term bickering seldom becomes all out war the purple tang is a robust species able to tolerate unwanted attention at least in the short term the behavior of this species can change from quite submissive when small to belligerent when large" Hope this helps


Active Member
My Purple and Hippo get along fine..( never had a Naso but IMO should be simular ) ..have them together 6 years so far now in a 150g...definately expect some aggression for the first few days when introduced, but should not last longer than that unless the new one gets sick from the stress and then the aggression could last untill it dies so QT to give the new one the best chance for success...


Originally Posted by puffer200
does anyone know if a purple is ok with a naso and or blue hippo??? i have a 180
I have both a purple tang and a blue hippo and they get along fine. Have been together for about 2 years.


i agree that the purple and hippo should be fine in a 180. i wouldn't, however, put a naso tang in a 6 foot tank.