Purple Tang Dies Suddenly...


Attachment 244688Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me because I am at a loss. I've had my purple tang for over three years; the man before me had him for about two. He was a very healthy fish and was eating and swimming around happily last night. I woke up this morning and he was floating, dead. It does not appear he was attacked or was diseased. His body is noticeably white (the same pattern on both sides), but I'm not sure it's because he was sick or because he is just dead. There have not been any changes to my tank in over a year and everything else in the tank looks perfectly fine. (But so did he, last night)


Active Member
Sorry for your loss, PTs are great fish. But, fish do die and I doubt you'll ever know why. Just like any living creature, fish can suddenly die without any symptoms.


Thanks, I was really disappointed. He was always so active! I know this might sound like a stupid question, but do you think the paler / whitish spots are due to disease or just effects of death? I'm concerned about my other fish now, too.