purple tang in a 55g


my lfs has a nice one and its small 1-2in. could i put him in my 55g reef then put him in my 120g when i get it set up.


Active Member
Sounds fine but he may become a little aggressive toward your other fish when it gets bigger. Make sure your tank can handle the bioload as well...all they do is breath eat poop and look pretty. Make sure to transfer him to a bigger tank when he gets larger.


Active Member
Well if you look under my name, I’m tang criminal. I would have to advise against it too in a 55 gal but if your going to move it to a bigger tank and the size its now then I don’t see why the tang police would have a problem with it either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by viet-tin
r ...all they do is breath eat poop and look pretty. Make sure to transfer him to a bigger tank when he gets larger.
There is one other thing that they do but you would have to have a mated pair and as far as I know this has not been done in captivity

nm reef

Active Member
With care and a stable system it could be done short term...but there would be potential for aggression towards any other fish in the 55...a purple in a 55 isn't the best of circumstances but it may be possible until the 120 is stable. Below is a photo of one I recently added to my 100 gal display.



Active Member
I think it’s all too common for people to get a fish that will outgrow their system and to justify it, they say they will upgrade to a larger system. You know what, this almost never happens and the fish is kept in a tank that is way too small until it gets stressed out and dies. Why not wait till you get the 120 set up and stable, then buy the tang?


well said Jmick. but we can only assume that he is upgrading, since that was what was stated.


yes i have the 120g im buying the stand and everythiing for it with in the next month. im keeping my 55g also.
jmick i am in the process of upgrading, i have the tank. the reason im buying it becuase i work at the lfs im going to get it from and they rarely get them in. plus i get a discount.