Purple tang

I have a yellow tang about 5 to 6 inches for almost a month already so can i still get a purple tang in smaller or medium size put to my tank...


Originally Posted by sherwing2000
No, not at all. Your YT will be ok for a little while, but he will get stressed in that small of a tank in time. A purple and yellow can be combined in a large system, but purples can be nasty. They are both open water swimmers and need lots of space. If combining the two you would need at least a 125L to be sure there would be no fighting.


New Member
Listen to Sepulatian. Before I frequented these boards, I bought a purple tang for my 58. He did fine for about 7 months, but has since developed HLLE. I have since moved him to QT, am feeding a variety diet and making frequent water changes. Fins have returned to normal, but he still has HLLE, although I think it is getting better. My ultimate goal is to trade him or return him to my LFS (although they did sell him to me and say he would be fine in my tank, so it will be conditional on them selling to someone with at least a 90gal).