Purple tang?


I have heard conflicting information. Some say a purple shouldn't be in a 75 gal. Others say it's just fine. So what do you say????
I have a 75 that's been up over a year. 100+ lbs. of LR, 100 lbs. LS, 20+assorted corals(softies, LPS, a couple of SPS, and a deresa clam). 30 assorted hermits, 30 snails. All kinds of amphipods, copepods, spaghetti worms, tubeworms, etc. A false perc, a dottyback, 3 firefish, and a mandarin are the current residents.
All levels test perfect, even 0 nitrates for 6 months now. Corals are growing very well. So I'm not worried about the water quality, just the size of the tank.
What do you all think?


the questiosn becomes, how big is your tang. I have a very large purple tang is a 160 FOWLR. I would never put him in a smaller tank than a 100 gallon because of his size. I also have a small/medium naso in a 90g reef. But when he grows he will be moved into the bigger tank.
So if your purple tang is a small sized then you will be ok for a while...but when he gets bigger he needs to be moved into something bigger...my tang is a big swimmer and is always on the move.

obx fish

In my book..."Marine Fishes", is says that the minimum tank requirement for the Purple tang is 100 gallons. But...If everyone went "by the book" what fun could this hobby be.


Well said OBX. I have a juvenile blue spotted Naso in a 20gal, and he is as happy as he can be. Go figure! 80gal less than reguired.. ;)


I have a purple tang in my 50 gal. She is still small enough and happy. I have a lot of LR holes for her to swim in and out of. She will be moving to a new home as soon as she seems cramped.
I'm going to "shop" for a good home and donate her - hopefully to someone with a 300 gal tank or so... :)
The tank may seem empty when she is gone, but I am looking forward to a reduced bioload as well.