Purple Tang


Staff member
Tangs are actually pretty tough fish...they just need a bit of understanding and TLC! :D


you know, sometimes you see something and it just puts the awe in you. i don't know why, but that's the way these photos hit me. thanks.


Staff member
He's a pretty fish. and seeing a fish going from a disfiguring disease to absolutely beautiful is what is awe-inspiring.
Good job!


Active Member
Thanks, I feel fortunate that he has made such a speedy recovery. The mark is still there but I think it may be a scare... It's sad to think of how may fish out there have this disease:( .


Staff member
He is perfect Reef. What a beauty and all healed up. I think I will link this thread to the pic I have of him in the Diseased Fish Thread.


Active Member
Thanks Beth :).
I've replaced the Formula 2 flake with Formula 2 medium morsels. They soak up Selcon really well... almost doubling in size... and he eats it like candy!! Also added frozen formula 1 twice a week, Formula 1 morsels and Prime Reef occasionally for a little meat. He still gets Green Seaweed Salad Sheets two to three times a week and macro algae almost 24/7.


Staff member
Well, you are obviously taking good care of him. Congradulations! Its so cool to me be able to see fish get back to health. Makes all the time I spend here worth while. Thanks for sharing! :D