***** Purple tangs


Active Member
I'm not sure the way ***** works, but if other petcos get the same fish from where the ***** by me gets their fish then they should go see the purple tangs they just got in...Their are some in their that are not bigger than a quarter...some are the size of a half dollar. They are way too cute!! Of course they are still very expensive...$60!!! Anyways...they were too cute...I wanted one, but I have enough in my tank and I'm not gonna pay $60 for a mini purple tang!!!


Hiya.......just wanted to put my 2 cents in here. As a former *****...Or is it DEATHCO.......Aquatics room director.......I can HONESTLY tell you that BUYING any KIND of LIVESTOCK from this horrible CORPORATE GIANT is RISKY at best. I know that many peeps have bought from them before and have no complaints.I could GO ON for hours about HOW BAD that company treats the livestock. Its all about PROFITS......THATS IT.....sell sell sell....and the KNOWLEDGE LEVEL at ***** ( MOST OF THEM ) is just not there.I have been to the ***** where I was formerly employed recently..and I can tell you that a call to PETA is in store.....ITS HORRIBLE....This is MY OPINION..and I hope not too offend anyone connected with DEATHCO.......Thanks


Active Member
I wouldn't buy a fish from ***** either...I bought my carpet anemone from there a while back...it was dirt cheap...most places sell a carpet my size for about 70-80 dollars... If I were to buy a fish from ***** I'd QT it for a good month or so!

kevin lassonde

New Member
i currently work at ***** and do agree with you all we treat livestock like crap i am doing all i can to help there but it isnt working

sinner's girl

At my local *****(about an hour away) purple tangs are up to $125 and are huge! I felt sorry for them in their small tank. they had about 4-6 total.
We've gotten both our clowns from ***** with no problems... 0ne we've had for 8mns. (well no problems other then the fact that she's a killer)
I agree with zero KNOWLEDGE LEVEL. They don't ask any questions before letting you take a fish (most lfs we go to want to know what we have in our tank and all info before letting us buy a fish) On sunday we got another clown, I like to pick out the fish we get (sorry but i don't want the one that's the easiest to catch, IME they die).


HIYA KEVIN...Hang in there..I know exactly what you are going through at *****.AKA DEATHCO. I worked like a dog trying too keep the aquatics department up,but with so much corporate YOU KNOW WHAT,it was Impossible. I did not have the equipment or supplies for the job.I got JUMPED by a district manager once...because the salinity was low in one of the delapedated salt banks...and I told him that I had been asking for SALT MIX for over 2 weeks...and he told me that I am too JUST GET what I need from the retail stock......so I did....then the next day..I GOT JUMPED ON by my store manager becuase I PULLED SALT FROM RETAIL without proper paperwork or authorization. ***** IS A JOKE......IM SORRY...BEEN THERE DONE THAT..........SUPPORT YOUR LFS or REPUTABLE MO SHOPS......*****....WHERE THE PETS GO..TOO DIE THAT IS
$125.00 here in Conroe, they are juveniles and quite pretty. 125, NO WAY!
I have gotten fish from Deathco, a Niger Trigger, some damzels, and two yellow tangs. Um, those are the ones that lived. I just hate driving 50 miles to get fish, almost as much as I hate Deathco.


the only reason i go to ***** is to pick up a tropical fish magazine. i went today and everytime i go i find at least two dead fish. not only that all of the fish have sings of ick and some swim funny. they keep anemones under 40w bulbs and now they are keeping feathers, shrooms and polips were i go to. i hope they don't try keeping clams or other corals later on.


Yea...I have to say that ***** is not the best place for livestocks. However, the purple tangs here are only $39! Cheap! I've had some luck with some fish that I have, like my volitan lion that I've had for about 6 months now. I would go there when they have their shipments and watch the fish very carefully.
Damn, I ran a fish room in a ***** and my wife is a manager for my local *****. I get great live stock there all the time. Its like all lfs you have to trust your help or you get bad help. Here in the south sound the only place to get any reef stuff is *****. And those tangs were only $39.99, If not the rang you up for the wrong squ. So not all Petcos are bad. "JUST MOST!" so complane and bitch when your fish dies and you can get your money back or the fish you wanted. Talk to the manager or write the corapret office. I've had to replace a 125 reef live rock and all. so I know how they work.
<img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//evilwhorn.gif" border="0" alt="[Evil Horn]" /> <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Active Member
Only 2 fish left in the tank...one is COVERED in ich!!! I doubt it will live to see another day...the other one is dead! ***** is not the best place for baby tangs to be!


You can oeder anything they have on a availability list each week. I just goy a 4 in. purple tang 5 weeks ago in MASS.[39.99]. The trick is be there when they get delivery. Their more than happy to float the bag till you get there. Thats what I do. Their water Quality is pathetic, but by keeping in the bag , it's got a better chance of survival in my view. Hey, we can all agree it beats overnite ship fees. Plus you can stock at your leisure w/ out overload.


I must say ***** sucks most of the time. But here in Minneapolis one ***** hired a new person for the Aquatics department and that made a world of difference. They have good selections and the store tanks are cleaner.
Last week they got a shipment of 4" purple tangs in. they were trying to sell them for $125!, I went in today and they had them for $39 I was amazed. Usually the stock is in pretty poor condition, but these tangs were amazing. There must be a hell of a markup on livestock to sell them for $90 off?
I have purchased clowns at ***** and none have survived. I did purchase a Snowflake eel there and must say that he is a perfect speciman, I have had him for 2 months and have no complaints.
Most people are attracted to ***** for their cheap prices. THIS IS ONE CASE WHERE YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!
Originally posted by TurboJoe:
<strong>HIYA KEVIN...Hang in there..I know exactly what you are going through at *****.AKA DEATHCO. I worked like a dog trying too keep the aquatics department up,but with so much corporate YOU KNOW WHAT,it was Impossible. I did not have the equipment or supplies for the job.I got JUMPED by a district manager once...because the salinity was low in one of the delapedated salt banks...and I told him that I had been asking for SALT MIX for over 2 weeks...and he told me that I am too JUST GET what I need from the retail stock......so I did....then the next day..I GOT JUMPED ON by my store manager becuase I PULLED SALT FROM RETAIL without proper paperwork or authorization. ***** IS A JOKE......IM SORRY...BEEN THERE DONE THAT..........SUPPORT YOUR LFS or REPUTABLE MO SHOPS......*****....WHERE THE PETS GO..TOO DIE THAT IS</strong><hr></blockquote>
So Its not just in texas!...lol. I work at ***** now, have been for 2 years. I've been there long enough to realize that ***** is one of the dumbest companies on earth. They tell you one thing and do another. The only thing that they can keep track of is when THEY lose money. (I really liked it when they over-drew my checking account because my paycheck was printed wrong...so they went into my account and took it back) As far as salt fish go, don't go wuth *****. Our store is old so we have the larger tanks, but crappy quality cause, well..their old. the new stores may have good systems, but their tanks are like 10 gallons. Im sure the tangs love that one. Im still there cause itsa a paying job and Im lazy and don't wanna look for another.
Thats right Poisonmywell your lazy. Its easy to do what you need in the fish room at *****. All you have to do it make the store money. And how ever you do it, It dose not matter. Defect bags of salt you need, take product off the self and don't tell any one. I've done it. Value the fish over your manager, and corapert dosn't care as long as you sell fish. Your store makes more money when you sell fish.


New Member
yeah i know what y'all are talking about *****(a.k.a Deathco) SUCKS!!!! I went there a couple weeks ago to check out some tanks; i took a look @ the livestock and i almost cried!!! The tanks were infested with ick, and there was a really pretty parrotfish that was blind, and it was swimming sideways. they also keep incompatible species in the same tank. someone should do something about this!!!! maybe i'll email them a complaint letter...
Originally posted by Coraltrapper5020:
<strong>Thats right Poisonmywell your lazy. Its easy to do what you need in the fish room at *****. All you have to do it make the store money. And how ever you do it, It dose not matter. Defect bags of salt you need, take product off the self and don't tell any one. I've done it. Value the fish over your manager, and corapert dosn't care as long as you sell fish. Your store makes more money when you sell fish.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I'm just lazy cause I don't want to look for a new job. As far as working goes, I get the job done, Im just an associate, not the fish specialist. Our old manager was pretty cool. he didn't really care how they got the tanks good, as long as they did, but the guys working aquatics failed to do so...as usual.


Active Member
Some of you said that $40 was cheap for a purple tang. That doesn't sound very cheap to me. An LFS (not *****) here in California is selling large purple tangs for only $25. :)
Carrie <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


I live in Minnesota and today saw a 2" purple tang for $98 at our lfs. You can't find them under $60 anywhere other than *****. You probably get them cheaper on the coasts than we do here in the frozen tundra, LOL!