Purple Tip Anemone (Sebae)

Hey all.
Thinkin' about getting the purple tip anemone (shown as this website as Sebae Anemone - White) eventually. I know that anemones use their tenticles to kill their prey, so I wanted to know what usually consists of their prey that would be found in a home aquarium?
BTW, I tried looking for a compatability chart on the forums but couldn't find one.


An anemone normally eats what it can catch. Small fish, crustaceans etc.
But some are more aggressive hunters than others.


Active Member
Opinions vary I guess, but mine never ate anything except what I fed it. If you have sick or injured livestock that would change things though. That being said, my sebae was great and grew at an incredible rate till it was so big I had to return it to the LFS. Mine also moved around a lot till it found the best light and that would change since my tank gets a little morning sun, so if it was sunny for a few days then cloudy for a week it would be on the move which was kind of annoying. If I upgrade to a larger tank I would get another.
Well, what I was planning on mixing him with were flame angel, green chromis, hermit crabs, strawberry crab, chocolate chip starfish, sixline wrasse, maybe mandarin. Are any of those likely to be hunted by an anemone?
(I'm going to be putting in a couple of clown fish too, but I left them out because I know they like the anemones.)