Purple Up^


Active Member
IMO it is junk. If you want good coraline growth, lower lighting and stable alkalinity, calcium, and magnesium will get you there.


IMo a good salt mix will do better than purple up. Im using it now to maintain a 400 ca level but ive switched salts so ill be discontinueing the purple up. I wont lie it has helped me but Red sea salt was so low on calcium im sure with a better salt i would have been even better off.


Active Member
pallan which red sea salt do you use? the regular or the reef pro mix? the reef pro mix is supposed to have a lot of calcium in it. i use the regular stuff now and my calc would normally be low.
purple up is not an additive to grow purple coraline algae. it contains no biological contents. it is really a calcium additive, with a few other trace elements such as iodine for inverts. in that respect the product works very well in raising calcium levels. if your calcium is maintained high enough, then the coralline algae that will be most prominent are the purple strains, as opposed to the red and green. so it really just promotes the growth of it, by making the conditions more suitable.


I use it and like it alot just watch your levels and its a slow process. You wont notice anything till you use up 2 or 3 bottles but it works great. In my opinion its a great product because before i used it its get a spot of coroline here and there and after using it the WHOLE rock is purple after a couple months it looks great for asthetic reasons.


Originally Posted by saltn00b
pallan which red sea salt do you use? the regular or the reef pro mix? the reef pro mix is supposed to have a lot of calcium in it. i use the regular stuff now and my calc would normally be low.
i was using just the original red seal salt not the reef pro mix i found the calcium levels to be in the mid to low 300s all the time.


Unless your loaded with corals
regular water changes with Instant ocean salt will suffice.
And if you are loaded with corals then calcium reactor is the only way to go.