Purple UP!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
Is an 11% good every 2 weeks?
If your wanting coralline and your levels aren't where you want them, I would try weekly and see if you see an improvement.


here is another problem that alot of people over look your lighting may be WAY to high for coraline to grow some coraline doesnt grow very well under intense MH lighting. I have 150 watt on my 58 and it grows rapidly!!! when I had 250 it took forever to get get growing and get good coverage.

royal gang

Active Member
Why would that be??? I think your right, because where it's dimmer I have a NICE spot of BEAUTIFUL coralline, so purple... like ALL my rocks should be -.-


beleive it or not its a lower light algae. just like the maroons and pinks and reds are even lower than the purple so the disapear eventually making room for the purple algae.


Active Member

Originally Posted by MichaelTX
beleive it or not its a lower light algae. just like the maroons and pinks and reds are even lower than the purple so the disapear eventually making room for the purple algae.


the reciple for coraline:
ALk 9-10dkH
Calcium 425-450 ppm
Magnesium -around 1350
I had the same problem until about a few weeks ago. I dosed according usingly B-Ionic two part solution one for alk and one for calcium.
Also dosing for Mag
In the last few weeks I have seen more coraline in my tank than I have in the past 6 months.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xrobbx03
the reciple for coraline:
ALk 9-10dkH
Calcium 425-450 ppm
Magnesium -around 1350
zero phosphates, high flow, moderate but not overly intense lighting, TRACTION, coraline is going to stick to high traction surfaces in high flow in the lighting conditions it prefers then move on, it can take a long time for coraline to hit its peak growth rate.
I had the same problem until about a few weeks ago. I dosed according usingly B-Ionic two part solution one for alk and one for calcium.
Also dosing for Mag
In the last few weeks I have seen more coraline in my tank than I have in the past 6 months.
I added stuff to your post in red If you dont mind.

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by xrobbx03
the reciple for coraline:
ALk 9-10dkH
Calcium 425-450 ppm
Magnesium -around 1350
I had the same problem until about a few weeks ago. I dosed according usingly B-Ionic two part solution one for alk and one for calcium.
Also dosing for Mag
In the last few weeks I have seen more coraline in my tank than I have in the past 6 months.
Why do people always say like 10-12 is good? Mines always says like 400 is good... :?


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I added stuff to your post in red If you dont mind.
dont mind at all. Added some key things there that i forgot to mention. Thanks


there are alot of different opinions on proper levels.
400 for calcium is fine for a reef tank and so is 12dkh for alk. From other peoples experience the levels I have mentioned have been where they have seen the most coraline growth. I guess you can say IMO they are the optimum levels to grow coraline.
I'm not saying you cant get coraline to grow at say 12dkH and 400 calcium, it just may not grow as fast.
Also another thing I forgot to mention is once you hit those levels, keep them constant as best as u can.