Purple Urchin Died


I got an order from here 6 days ago. It included a snail, some hermits, some emeralds, 5 peppermint shrimp, a blood shrimp, lettuce nuidbranch, and last but not least a purple urchin. Last night he died...but everything else seems to be doing REALLY REALLY well...why would the urchin be the only one not to make it? I thought the shrimp and nudibranch would have been alot more fragile than an urchin. Water isn't pristine, but it is good. Salt levels are good 1.024-5, no ammonia phosphate or nitrites...nitrates are 20-30 range, and pH is a little low to my liking at about 8...I just bought a calcium test kit to see if that is my problem because alk and temp and all that other crap is good....anyway why did the urchin pass? Any ideas are appreciated.

sinner's girl

how did you acclimate it? How did it act when you put it in the tank? My moved towards a rock right away, climb the rocks and found the glass, and the power head.
I just added one to my tank a few hours ago from here.
how do you know it's dead? I think it's normal for them not to move much.
Why are your nitrates that high? In the future, do a water change before adding any new creatures/fish.


I temperature acclimate him and then add water into the bag every 15-20 minutes for about a total of 2-3 hours...He was very very active...surprisingly active when i put him in....he was all over the place for 6 days never in the same spot...never got on the glass thogh...not sure why trates were high I but probably due to over feeding but i have really cut back on feeding. Yes all of his spines fell off...but i didnt know if he was dead or not ye.....but now he is completely white and is just a little skeleton...its actually kinda cool Im leaving it in....but he is def. dead


Active Member
if you saw that his spines where dropping before he died, then it was proably your water quality. when the spines fall off its a indicator that water quality is poor