
nm reef

Active Member
My newest addition...added him to the display just this past Monday...he took a bit of a beating from the regal already there...which is why the fins look a touch ragged...but they have settled in and I expect he'll be fine now that the bully regal has established who's the boss.
The purple is a juvinile about the size of a silver dollar.
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Active Member
Cool fish.. I just personally would never pay the kinda money they want for a purple tang :p


Active Member
I love my Purple.
Yours looks so POed in that first pic.

I remember when I added mine to the tank. Tangs. Geezz, Got a love em....
Hes about 5 inches now and I have never seen it nip a fin. The others, yea....It still lets everyone know hes there though. Never any damage.
I hope its just the lighting or photo and I really hate to say it but....HLLD.
Purples do get it so easy it seems. Hard to find them now a days without it. Looks like signs of it on yours and again I hope Im wrong but the line should be almost invisable on a Purple. Heres a few pics of mine so you can compare.
Might want to look into treatment for it but Im sure you know , not much on it.
Any way, again I hope it turns out fine and Its just my eyes playing tricks, there not the best of eyes any more.


nm reef

Active Member
Actually the purple tang didn't cost me a cent...a LFS that I do personal business...as well as business for a few clients...has a "card"...for every $10 purchase you get $1 added to your card.....so for every $100 I spend there I get $10 put on my card....when I purchased the tang I had 134 points ($1each) on my "card"...so.....deduct the appropiate amount of "points" and no cash changed hands....and I got a purple tang. Heck of a deal huh...

As for the HLLE...yup...I've noticied...I believe it was a reaction to the three days of harrassment from my regal....it doesn't appear to be bad and believe me I'll be keeping a eye on it. At least now things have calmed down and they all seem to be peacefully co-existing....and he is eatiing well....so I don't anticipate it getting worse.


NM I aquired your Purple's brother yesterday. He is just a bit smaller than yours. I didn't pay anything for mine either, used credit from trades. I love him. No problems with him at all. He hangs with my CBB and my Mimic Lemonpeel tang.



Active Member
Did a blue regal do that? I'm actually eyeballing a purple tang at the LFS for $29.


Here is a better picture of him.
peter1215, my lfs held him for 4 weeks for me. So he was quarantined there. Eats like a pig.


Madswife, the ONLY place I will buy fish is from Premier Fish & Reef! They quarantine all of their fish for a minimum of 3 weeks. I have paid for fish when they come in and they will hold them for a few weeks for you and get them eating and make sure they are healthy. Just look at the other stores and see the quality of their tanks and fish, Premier blows them away. They are located at 3255 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 303-716-5700. Tell em Buzzy sent you. Great selection of corals too!


Originally Posted by NM reef
Actually the purple tang didn't cost me a cent...a LFS that I do personal business...as well as business for a few clients...has a "card"...for every $10 purchase you get $1 added to your card.....so for every $100 I spend there I get $10 put on my card....when I purchased the tang I had 134 points ($1each) on my "card"...so.....deduct the appropiate amount of "points" and no cash changed hands....and I got a purple tang. Heck of a deal huh...

As for the HLLE...yup...I've noticied...I believe it was a reaction to the three days of harrassment from my regal....it doesn't appear to be bad and believe me I'll be keeping a eye on it. At least now things have calmed down and they all seem to be peacefully co-existing....and he is eatiing well....so I don't anticipate it getting worse.

NM you don't quarantine your new fish...?

nm reef

Active Member
No...in this case I did not quarentine...but....I knew the fish had been in the stock tank at this LFS for about 4 weeks....I've been in there at least once a week during those 4 weeks and was confident of the health and condition of the fish. Plus...I know the owner very well and was confident that the addition was safe to add to my display based on the overall care given to species at this store and personal observation of the fish over a period of time. It is not always a good idea to add new fish in this manner...but I was confident enough to take the risk and remain confident that things will be fine.


Active Member
Great fish NM, I hope you can get that HLLE fixed up. With the care you give your reef, I am sure it will be gone in no time.


nm i am sure as wax32 said with your experience you will take care about this fish but as he look like i am not sure that he was in good care in the store.... and to be honest i never think that there is any store that care to much how the fish look like they make money from sell them not from treat them we are the hobbyist that care about the treatment and afraid that they will not be sick and infect other fish.anyway congratulation with the new tang , i have one like him to in my tank he was the boss in the tank till he mate the clown tang
(he don't know yet but in more 3 weeks he going to meat my other blue powder , then i am sure i will going to see a saltwater war 3 in my tank
)good luck