purplish black stuff


I have an established tank and recently my plants died and my anemones look like they are close to death. I have checked all the levels and they are fine but the one thing I have noticed lately is a dark purplish black growth in the tank...what is it and could this be causing the problem?


Active Member
if it is red slim. i dont think that would kill your corals,,,i may be wrong..but i am dealing with the red slim too right now..and so far i havent lost anything...that red slim is growing up on my clam..so far he is doing ok... this saturday i am going to treat it...then have my fish guy come out and do a water change hopefully this will take care of it...have a great day .....


I lost both anemones and now one of my clowns looks very pale and does not open/close mount...it appears to stay open all the time and acts like she is blind.


Active Member
blissninny, i have no clue whats going on with your clown,,,i would start a new thread and ask..i am sure there is someone that can help you...for that red purple slim stuff i got some stuff from the lfs and its called chemiclean,,,i hope this helps..have a great day.....