Put fish in today!


New Member
After cycling my 90 gallon for two and a half months I finally put in fish and they look to be doing great!
I'll give you a little background info. The tank is 90 gallons, (48 x 18 x 24) and it has about 2 inches of live sand, a few live rocks, and tons of filtration. I have a standard wet/dry, a fluval 404, and 2 Emperor 400 dual-bio wheel (hang of the back) filters. (Can never have too much filtration).
I put one leapord shark in there (about 8-9 inches) and a zebra eel. I also have a lion fish and a few other smaller fish that I'm not sure exactly what they're called. This is my first saltwater tank so any advice or comments would be appreciated. I thought I'd just share my new tank with you guys, thanks!


that is a lot to put in at once at one point i had an leopard shark, golden puffer, volitan lion fish and black trigger in a 90g tank but that was do to the 200g tank the shark was in had cracked. but the shark was the only thing added to the tank.and no live rock in the tank, unless you plan on getting a bigger tank within the next year i'd get rid of the shark sorry. of course that set up lasted 2 months before the shark was put back into his own tank.


New Member
I appreciate your responses. The fish are still doing great...But what if I take back the leopard shark to the LFS and I get a banded shark? Will that work better? Also, I don't have a lot of live rock, I think it's only like 10 pounds. I appreciate any and all input on my tank. I'm new at this, so I appreciate you guys helping me out. Thanks!


Yes and no. Yes it would work better for while but eventually the shark would get too big for a 4ft long tank. Bamboos(banded sharks) need a tank of at least 6ft in length when they get full grown(usually about 3ft). I'd say no on any shark for that tank.


New Member
I was thinking about upgrading to a 125 tank in my bedroom. Could I keep the eel, lion fish, and banded or leopard shark in the 125?? Thanks again.


Please refer to my following two posts. One has information about keeping leopard sharks specifically.
<a href="https://www.saltwaterfish.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=14&t=000028" target="_blank">https://www.saltwaterfish.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=14&t=000028</a>
<a href="https://www.saltwaterfish.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=14&t=000027" target="_blank">https://www.saltwaterfish.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=14&t=000027</a>


New Member
Risc, thanks for the help...It's funny that you posted those links...I actually already read them earlier today. But I appreciate your time in posting a response. Thanks!