Put LS or LR in tank first??


I'm confused!
The book I'm reading ("The New Marine Aquarium" by Michael Paletta) says to place LR (cured alrdy) on bare glass bottom of tank and then to add the LS, but I read on here that some people put LS in first then LR. Which is the "correct" way? Or does it matter?
After putting all of the LR and LS in, how long should I wait before adding my first aquatic family member?


They are both correct.
One of the things I've found with this hobby and one of the really confusing things about the hobby, is there are many issues which are opinions. Your question is one of those.
Personally I set up my tank putting the rock on top of the CC. After removing the CC I placed the replacement sand so that the base of my LR was supported with the LS.
The new tanks I'll be setting up will use a different technique. I haven't heard to many people mention on this site. I'll be using a 3" x 3" x 3" eggcrate platforms on the bottom of the tank and tie wrap my base rock to the eggcrate. This will allow me to have the support yet not cover the LR.
Hope I haven't confused you even more!!!


Active Member
I believe the reason that it says this is because of the following.
When you place the rock first it puts the rock on a solid base. Then you add sand around this. This gives your resulting structure a solid base to build on. Depending on how deep your sand bed is you might want to add the sand first and then add the rock. Keeping in mind that when you add the rock you should push it down into the sand so that it won't shift later on in your live rock design.....


Personally I just put some eggcreat down in my 90 to prevent a reefalanche from breaking the glass bottom. then some sand, add the rocks and the rest of the sand.


Great idea! I was just going to put some little pieces of PVC under the base of the some of the rocks but that eggcrate seems foolproof!


I went through the same ideas, I was cutting little peices of pvc and small squares of eggcrate to silicon to the bottom of the rocks then thought better of this as I know I will be moving the rock around before I put any fish or corals in there. Cut the eggcrate about an inch away from the sides of the tank and overflow. The eggcrate is only 1/4 inch thick so use enough sand to cover this, then place your rock, finish with the sand. Then if you still want to rearange things you can just twist the rock gently down into the sand till it hits the eggcrate. Bada boom bada bing.


Ok Thomas now it's silly question time!
Will the eggcrate disturb my DSB's job in any way at all?
I think I already know the answer to this but I'd rather hear it from someone else that has more experience in this hobby than myself.