Putting a reef in a bar?


There is a small room where you walk in a pay the door guy/girl that's where it would go. The door guy/girl would be standing in front of the tank and a bar on the other side. I think the wall is abought 8 ft long.


I really don't think the smoke thing is that big of a concern. The resturaunt club and the other one both got extremely smoky. Actually the club was not that bad but the restuarant can get pretty bad and I would say the patrons sitting at the bar are no further than 7 feet away. When sitting at the bar the tank is just above head level and behind the bartender. So by nature anyone sitting at the bar would be blowing smoke in the general vicinity of the top of the tank. This compounds the effect of a tank remotely located which is just gettig the second hand smoke that happens to float by. I guess it should also be noted that both tanks I am referring to are inside the wall and not free standing. Of course this will all be moot, for Florida anyway, since a bill was just passed to ban smoking inside all establishments except stand alone bars. I think it can be done. I think drunk a**holes pouring beer in the tank would be a concern because you know some dips**t would end up doing it. Sorry about the explitives I just hate moronic drunk people.
Rethinking the bass thing the restuarant has been having a DJ spin a couple nights a week lately and the music is pretty heavy. Just something else I wanted to throw out there. Ags


I agree with Bang guy. A reef without fish might be a much better idea. Inverts dont get stessed as much as fishes when it comes to vibrations. Along with some of the precautions that jferrier mention, it should work out.
Many state that there are bars and restaraunts have surviving fish tanks in them. Bars and restaraunts have a much lower amount of vibration in them. And also a fish tank where the inhabitants are surviving is very different than a successfull, happy tank. As chinnyr stated, even people tapping on glass stresses out the fish, so what do you think loud vibrations would do.
So if you do set one up, take every precaution to reduce the noise and vibrations to the tank.


Hey osolow where are you from? Finally another dj on the board haha What do you spin and at what club? 700 people is not too bad for a smaller club. I spin a little techno and some house in the bay area.


HI Tiger I live in Hltion Head SC and work at Club South Beach it's a nice place I was going to give you the web site so you could see it but I just found out thay cut it of. the club closed last friday till the new year for a name change and Remodel.
I play any thing from 70's, 80's, Top 40, Techno, Dance you name I have played it.(I don't like all of it but have played it).
I was thinking abought putting a tank in the new club.
"DJ SoLo"
p.s here is a Pic of me and a few friends :D

Originally posted by osolow
I will just keep my fish at home until I can find away to take them to work with me:D

How about employ "rainbow" of Mermaids in your 500 gallon for those durnken people to :eek: (drool) at her.
Result? Lotta more customer=money coming to daddy! :D


That sux about them closing the club osolow but hopefully the new look will bring all the dancers back.
Jedininja I havent really been playing out a lot lately, no funds for records and too busy with work and school. I've spun at a couple clubs in SF but I was more into the underground music scene and spinning at those parties. Im starting to get back into it tho, we spun for the benzsports car show a couple weeks ago and theres a little bike show coming up that we are spinning at too. I've also been taking a break from clubbing since I dont have much money. Where do you go clubbing?


I dont club too much, but I've been been to most places in the bay area. Recently I've going to Icon because I have a friend promoting for them so I get in the guest list.