Originally Posted by starfishhiding
azfishgal - i know ill get arrows and bullets heading my way. BUT... Go Dodgers!!! Great pick up. His bat is not as old as his age, he still has plenty left. He might not be able to throw as hard as he used to but he makes up for it with his positioning.
Well, you are right, you got yourself a great ball player. I think the reason why the D-backs got rid of him was because he was getting to popular. If you ask any D-back fan who their favorite player is, Gonzo is usually the one that comes up. He hit the winning run at the World Series for crying out loud. AND he broke a record last year for hitting doubles. Gonza asked for less money so he could stay with the D-backs, as he made it very clear he wanted to retire as a D-back, he was with them for 8 years and he's made Arziona his home. BUT NO, the idiots who run the D-backs know nothing about loyalty or the game of baseball. AND THEN THEY GO AND CHANGE THE COLORS! Red, oh excuse me, Sadona Red..........IT'S RED! Over half the teams in Baseball are red, how original! OK, I'm going to stop before I blow a fuse.