Putting Faces to the Names



Are there any good LFS in Island Lake or surrounding areas? I am always up for visiting new local places to check out live stock. I travel alot for work shooting school photos and always have time to kill over lunch break.


'Tis me! ... Her face tasted good... you woulda done the same. And deciding if I'm a hat person or not... you decide!


mr. green

It's me, Mr. Green
Oh ya, that is the mighty Niagara Falls (Canada Side) in the background at night, can't see much, and it was cold!!! :scared:


Hi! I am new to this board and never paid much attention to the fact that this site had a board because I'm always looking at the other things to buy! Anyway, I am attaching a pic of myself. I am in South Louisiana. I am 45 years old and married with 2 children (boys 21 and 13) and a step son who is 11.


Active Member
i guess i will play along :] the first pic is me in the middle, my step brother kris on the right, and my brother dustin on the left. the second pic is me and my brother. the third pic is me with my step family at my step-aunts restaraunt "the Rock" in colorado. my biological family cant stop arguing enough to get a good picture haha


tx reef

Active Member
Okay, instead of bumping this by posting this little guy....
, I will post pics of my wife and I. These were taken yesterday when we took her parents out on our 26' Columbia Sailboat. In the pic with my wife in it, she is steering for the first time. She said the tiller was hard to hold on to, so she straddled it and used both hands.....I thought it was pretty funny.
Well, here we are!
