Putting Faces to the Names


why is it my pic keeps dissapering. do u only leave pics of the pretty people? My mom says I'm pretty so why can't I have my pic here. Just doing what is says and putting a face with the name.


Jailbrake I am running a 30 gallon and a 15, both are about a month old I think, maybe not even quite that old. I posted pics of my tank SOMEWHERE on this site, but dont know exactly where, lol. Crappy camera though, veyr very sorry.


Alright I looked and looked. It seems to me I am always the one behind the camera taking the pics. So this is pretty much all I could find. It's a pic of me and youngest son - his 3rd birthday party.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NYHCx516x
Agador Spartacus is his full name, im glad to see some other movie geek out there... of course, he only gets called his full name if hes bad :)
and yes, he does have natural heat, its his guatamelan-ness :)

Does he fall down if he has shoes on?


Active Member
This is me as of last week:
I'm sort of weird, and I promise I'm not 12, although the poorly written notecard and its very presence may make you think so, heh.
(Don't worry, it was done as a joke, and the boyfriend got a nice laugh out of it) :joy:


Active Member
I hate the way I look, so I will post a picture of my son. He looks nothing like me, he looks just like his daddy. He loves to look at the fish tank.