I'd like to place an order and was wondering if a Pygmy would be ok in a 55?
1 yr. 8 months old
60 lbs lr,6" dsb. 2 percs,1 lmb,& 1 pj cardinal. Soft corals.
What would the recommended food be?Thanks!
Sure a pygmy would work for ya...I've got one in my 58 FO that has done fine for about 2 years now. He gets alone great with a yellow tang/niger trigger/percula clown/coris wrasse. The little guy is a busy body...always darting about looking for a morsal to munch. He'll eat anything offered but I do try to feed a regular diet of algae based foods. Below is a pic of the type I keep...I can't get a decent pic of mine because he never sits still long enough to get a pic.
Originally posted by Katara
Ok,great!Thanks alot,all of you!
Should I use a chip clip or does my prime reef have enough veggies in it?
i would make sure there are no metal springs in that clip before putting it into your tank