Pygmy Angel: Septicemia

jonny bolt

Hi all. I currently have my Atlantic Pygmy Angel in my hosptial tank. Several week ago it stopped eating pretty much everything, and then eventually took on the faded hue, turning pretty white and acting stupid. It was hiding in the same spot and only coming out a few times a week. A week or so after that, I started to see a few red blotches on it.
I am dosing the hospital tank with Maracyn 2 currently. I was wondering if it was normal for the fish to "rest" while being "hospitalized"? By this I mean I have seen the fish lay down, just moving its tail. When I nudge it, it springs to life and starts swimming around the hospital tank, mostly heads up, but swimming nonetheless.
I ask if this is normal for fish to "lay down" like this, because this is my time ever with a sick saltwater fish. I wasnt sure if this was expected, or bad. So is it normal or is this fish on his way out??? TIA


New Member
I have a Pigmy Cherub Angel and it is an extremely active fish..even with lights out.......seeing one lay down is not a good sign. Hope it can recover for you....

jonny bolt

Yeah, not good. Sometime this morning it crapped tha bed. Found it dead in my hospital tank.
I was busy, so put off moving him into it a few days, I think the fish was just exhausted from fighting for life. I was surprised it lasted that long.
Oh well, probably get another one.