Pygmy Angelfish in a 12 gallon


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyG
No need to check my house, I am at work and several people here frequent this site and probably having some fun. Dont change the subject. As far as being banned, been banned before because of people like you never admitting when they might, just might be wrong. So be it. Peace

You all use the same computer? Anyway..
You will never be banned for disagreeing with someone. That is not against the rules. You will, however, if you post under multiple accounts.
As for changing the subject.. let's stay on topic. You told a poster to add a potentially aggressive 3 inch Angel (a species known for their unsafe reef behavior) to a 12 gallon, already well stocked, reef tank.


No we do not work from the same computer, I do not know how my facility is setup as far as "IP" adresses but I will check that if you wish, unless you already know. I did not stick a gun to anyones head and tell them to put a fish in a 12 gal aquarium, I GAVE MY OPINION....anyway this is getting to be silly. Peace out.


Active Member
Anyways to the poster. You read what experience i had with my pygmy, his circing was most likely due to stress since he stopped as soon as i got him a larger tank. It is a wise decision to forgo on the pygmy, unless you are looking for an excuse to upgrade
i wasn't especially upset on having to do so, i could have just traded him in on a different fish


To me it boils down to common sense: a fish needs more than salt water. As the more dominant species on land any one of us humans can put any size fish into any size tank we desire. A shark can go into a 55, a trigger can go into a 10, and a penguin can go into my bahttub. But common sense should tell us what will and will not work. The idea that people are going to do things anyway, therefore we shouldn't tell them not to, is absurd. In this instance because the original poster asked a question, looking for advice. Some people think everyone's response should have been: well, it's your money, do whatever you want. Instead most people chose to respond with something a bit more imaginative and helpful - they did what the poster asked for: they advised. He/she is now free to do whatever he/she chooses, since it is his/her money. But that does not mean that the rest of us won't give advice, especially when asked for it. This message board isn't just for sharing pictures of your latest aquascaping.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyG
No we do not work from the same computer, I do not know how my facility is setup as far as "IP" adresses but I will check that if you wish, unless you already know. I did not stick a gun to anyones head and tell them to put a fish in a 12 gal aquarium, I GAVE MY OPINION....anyway this is getting to be silly. Peace out.
Just want to note on this IP address subject quick, cause it's primarily what I do for a living. If there are numerous people in the same network behind a firewall/router, where the internal network uses fake IP addresses, they will look like they're coming from the same IP address externally because of NAT (network address translation). Basically it makes it possible for them to have only one "real" IP address while still have tons of computers hooked up to the internet. Most companies do this these days because of limited IP space.
Hope that helps that...


Active Member
Originally Posted by InFishWeTrust
We aint supposed to have angels in small tanks?

I say this cause I have had a healthy Emporer in my 16gal for over 2 years now.
I'm personally going to just assume this post is just to stir things up and that no one would really do this. I hope others will do the same and ignore it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyG
No need to check my house, I am at work and several people here frequent this site and probably having some fun. Dont change the subject. As far as being banned, been banned before because of people like you never admitting when they might, just might be wrong. So be it. Peace

okay dude we get it. you're saying it's unethical for saltwater fish to be in aquariums, but how can you say it's okay for a a large fish to be in a 12 gallon? just because it's unethical for fish to be in aquariums doesn't mean putting the fish in a small tank like a 12 makes it ok since you think it's the same as being in a 1,000 gallon tank. i understand what you're saying, but that's retarded. yeah the fish come from the ocean and anything less than that will be bad, but why would you continue to be in the hobby if you think like that? Just because you have money doesn't mean it's right to put such a large fish in a small tank, and it may not be right to for it to be in an aquarium but at least be smart about what you're doing. give the animal the best of everything at least. if the fish is rated for a 10 gallon dont put it in an 8, give it a lot of varation of foods, make the water as clean as possible. you're in charge of someone's life now, so don't be stupid and think you can do what you want just because you have money.


Everyone want to know something funny, above there is a post by fishyg that says that he has been doing for 25 years and his profile says 10yrs so that makes me believe that he is just pulling this out of his A$$, cause no one with that much experience in this hobby will tell you to do it cause its your money. I wont even say that and i have been in the hobby for only 5 months or so. I have asked many questions and everyone has been very helpful but i would never take advice from someone that says that.
I wonder if he would put a tang in a 12g with the angel to?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rattler739
Everyone want to know something funny, above there is a post by fishyg that says that he has been doing for 25 years and his profile says 10yrs so that makes me believe that he is just pulling this out of his A$$, cause no one with that much experience in this hobby will tell you to do it cause its your money. I wont even say that and i have been in the hobby for only 5 months or so. I have asked many questions and everyone has been very helpful but i would never take advice from someone that says that.
I wonder if he would put a tang in a 12g with the angel to?

your probably right, however bashing some1 back somehow isnt going to fix things, best just to drop the subject.


true my bad
I just usually look at a profiles to see how long they have been doing this and saw that and thought i would post it.
but your right.


Originally Posted by Razor Vampire
Would a Pygmy Angelfish be safe in a 12 gallon Reef tank? Along with an Percula clown fish, and Golden Headed Sleeper Goby?
Razor I am sorry that your thread was highjack and turned into this mess.
you have a couple of different opinions on it my opinion is its not a good idea to add one to your tank because of size and stocking issues. If you would like Please repost your question in a new thread to rid it of the nonsense.
as far as everyone else this thread is closed because of the nonsense being posted even if someone is out to cause problems why give them the satisfaction of actually doing it. Please do not post to keep things like this going post what you have to say to the original poster and ignore the poster causing problems.