Pygmy Angelfish with Clown Fish?


New Member
I bought 2 clown fish today and they are so friendly and great to look at. However the pygmy hates them, and has been chasing them. Is this common? If anything i'm going to just by an Anemone tomorrow so they can hide in it and hopefully it will just kill the pygmy.
worse comes to worst I'll take out all the live rock and catch it but that's not an option I am looking forward to.
I dunno I'm puzzled, everything I read about the pygmy's says don't put them in the tank with other angles and you'll be alright.
any advice I'd greatly appreciate it.
the only thing I can think of we changed the lighting today from a rather old fresh water tank bulb to a 50/50 made for salt water tanks.


We have 2 clowns a six line wrasse and a cherub angel in our tank. They were introduced in that order. When we put the angel in the wrasse harrassed it for a couple of hours but now everything is fine. Give it a day or so and see if they work it out.


New Member
I added a cherub angelfish to my 75 gallon reef that contained 2 clownfish. The 2 clownfish harassed the pygmy angelfish for about a week and then it stopped. It just a matter of which fish was in the tank first. Your clowns should be fine in a few days.


New Member
well, after the angel fish took several nicks out of the beautiful clown fish I caught it and took it back to the LFS. traded it in for a cool urchin. problem solved :)
now my purple fire fish, 2 clowns, urchin, decorator crab, & coral banded shrimp all are happily ever after.
its a very colorful tank and very fun to watch.


Active Member
The angel fish was just being a typical angel fish. I have a pygmy that will sporadically up and chase any fish that happens to be near it. Other times it is content to be shoulder to shoulder with the same fish.........I guess it just depends on what day it is with the angel as to how it is gonna act......


Active Member
If you had put the clowns in before the angel, you would have been much less likely to have had a problem.