Pygmy Angels... ich magnets?


I bought a pygmy cherub angel when my tank was 3 mos old. It brought ick in, I tried to treat it, it died, my wrasse got ick, but it survived... now I am really scared of getting a pygmy angel... my tank is 9 months old, and I do not and cannot get a quarantine tank. How can I ensure that I do not have that problem again? Could ick still be in my tank? Is the cherub a good choice? Also, I have a clownfish that I really like. I really want a pair. He's not that big... about 2 inches. Any way I could add another? I heard that sometimes it works, sometimes it doesent.

clown jr

cherub angels arent always recommended. have you looked at other dwaef angels??? such as flame or coral beauty? these are usually not carriers of ich.


Active Member
You say that you can't get a quarantine tank? I don't know if it is because of money but, if you can afford an angel you can afford a QT. I set mine up for like $30 total.


Active Member
The point would be a quarantine period for your new fish to see if they will be okay in your display tank. If you bring in a bad fish, all of your fish will suffer. It is cheap insurance for your livestock. Also if you ever come into problems, you can use the QT to nurse fish back to health.


Active Member
time for the hypo man.. hehe
do a search for hypo.. when i first started my tanks damn damsels got it.. so i i just set a rubbermaid 15 gallon container (6 bucks at meijers) threw them in there with a filter and heater.. and let the main tank alone fishless for a month.. and ummm the damsels got cured and ummm away they went hehe


Anyone heard of EcoSystem Garlic Elixir? Has anyone used it... does it work? I've heard of garlic, and there seems to be a product...


Active Member
it (garlic) will help them be immune to them, but by no means is it a full fix fro it... alot of people soak their fish food in garlic before they feed em....


My wife calls me "The Jedi of the Ich Wars" listen good young Jedi.
Don't even think of ANYTHING except a proper, timely, and pain-in-the-butt hyposalinity quarantine if you want to GUARANTEE you will be ich free with a new addition. Like was posted above, its not an expensive a plain 10 gallon All-glass (6.99) and a heater, and a filter (30 bucks total). Let it cycle like any other tank.
We keep ours at 1.015 salinity, and add new additions to it. Slowly, we lower the salinity to 1.009 over the course of two days. It stays there a month. Don't worry about the fish, he'll be fine, he's alone, the water is clean, and the low salinity makes life easier for a while. After the 30 days, slowly, over a week, bring the salinity back up to match your display tank.
By doing this, you accomplish at least 3 important things:
1) Guarantee no ich, it can't live in there, your fish won't have it.
2) Find out what your new buddy likes to eat, since he's being fed solo, its easy to tell.
3) Get a little assurance that you have a healthy fish. By doing well in the quarantine, and through the quarantine period, you can be certain you have a healthy, hardy fish to add to your main tank, and know for sure he won't be bringing any problems to your other fish.
Its a tough discipline to follow...but think about it. You're going to have the fish for a long, long time if you do things right...isn't a little extra time worth it?

Originally posted by ILove2Ride
Wow, thanks. What kind of filter? How long should I acclimate the fish? And will it jump out?

Get that filter as mentioned above especially with bio-wheel to keep tank established. (Lot accessible to that filter whenever needed.)


Yes, emperors are a good choice, also the aquaclears are good for this kind of setup as well. About the jumping out...I've never had it happen although I guess its a possiblity. You may want to get one of the cheapo hoods they make for these tanks as well, although if you put light on the tank, you'll get algae, and you cannot have snails in there since the salinity is low.
Again, I've never had one jump out, but it may happen!