Pygmy Angels


New Member
I inherited a 90 gallon tank already established with numerous fish including a Flame Angel.
Went to the local fish store and without doing any research myself asked the guy if this "Coral Beauty" is compatible with my fish and brought it home.
The fight between the two of course began and I raced to this web site to find both angels listed with a "Should not be kept with other pygmy angels".
So.... is there any hope besides keeping the light off and praying? With tropicals they say you can take an aggressor out of the tank for a short period and literally "dump" him back in, supposedly calming his aggression down.


Have you tried rearranging the aquarium. This will allow the fish to establish new territories. Might want to take the fish back if possible for exchange. Dont let the feud go on to long. Same thing happened to me with different fish. My result was not good.
Good luck.


New Member
Unfortunately, I also had the exact same problem, albeit in reverse, with an established cb tormenting my newly added flame, which died in 2 days! I had even rearranged the tank, to no avail. My lfs had said they should be fine too! I'm trying another pygmy but inserted a full divider in the tank until the new one gets settled. Not sure you have that option with a 95, but good luck anyway.


Active Member
Terroble LFS advice. Take it back and insist on a full refund or credit since the purchase was based on their very bad advice. Also would think twice about purchasing any live stock from that LFS in the future. Good luck.