Pygmy Seahorse


Active Member
I found a pic of this little guy while searching for something new to put on my computer desktop... he was just too cute not to share.
He's a pygmy seahorse (Hippocampus bargibanti). As adults, they are only 2 cm long and they originate from the Western Pacific.
Enjoy! :D


Active Member
cute, kind of looks my daughter when she had the chicken pox's
:D did they say what it was he was anchored to?? Amazing how he blends right in..


Active Member

Originally posted by lovethesea
did they say what it was he was anchored to?? Amazing how he blends right in..

He's anchored to a gorgonian. :)


He's anchored to a gorgonian
Actually, it looks a lot like a carnation coral to me.
Which brings me to what I was going to say to begin with:
That is so Cool!!! from the protuberances on his body it looks like he was made specifically to hang out on carnation corals. It is totally amazing that these animals can be so specifically designed to be so specific. Sorry, just had to say how cool that was.:D