

I have been using DT's live phytoplankton and was wondering the difference between it and Kent aquacultured pyhtoplex plankton? Would they both be the same?? Or should I stick with DT's???


phytoplex in the green bottle???....i only know DT's to be the only live plankton is the only one i have ever seen with a "use by" date all others are preserved


Active Member
Yeah, I've got the Phytoplex and it's not "live", just preserved. I only use it once every week or every other week. I don't know of any brand other than DT's that is live.


Yeah thats my question..I dont like paying for overnight shipping on an $18 bottle of DT's, so I was wondering if the Kent stuff is just as good. I know it's not live but I have a carnation coral that is actually doing good and growing but was wondering if the kent stuff is just as good.


Originally Posted by Harris28
Yeah thats my question..I dont like paying for overnight shipping on an $18 bottle of DT's, so I was wondering if the Kent stuff is just as good. I know it's not live but I have a carnation coral that is actually doing good and growing but was wondering if the kent stuff is just as good.
You know you can culture your own? I just started a culture the other day using DT's, 2 2ltr bottles, an air pump, a light, and some miracle grow. In about 3 weeks I'll have 4 ltrs worth and I'll use a about a half ltr to start another batch. Check out


my lfs was carrying reef nutrition brand of phytoplankton and other live pods. they always had a use by date and i was instructed to gently tip the bottle upside down everyday and to leave the cap open so they can breathe. another lfs carries the dt and another is switching to a new brand.


Originally Posted by bgrae001
You know you can culture your own? I just started a culture the other day using DT's, 2 2ltr bottles, an air pump, a light, and some miracle grow. In about 3 weeks I'll have 4 ltrs worth and I'll use a about a half ltr to start another batch. Check out
So did you start with 1ml of DT's and put in a 2 liter bottle and fill up?? This can be really neat!!!!!
Were you not worried about adding miracle grow to your tank??? That sounds scary!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Harris28
So did you start with 1ml of DT's and put in a 2 liter bottle and fill up?? This can be really neat!!!!!
Were you not worried about adding miracle grow to your tank??? That sounds scary!
My thoughts exactly. I am not to sure about the miracle grow idea.


It is regular miracle grow and if you follow the link he has it shows plant miracle grow. I emailed him so hopefully he will respond. But if anybody else has any info let me know..


the Phytoplankton feed on the miracle grow. so when its time to use the phytoplankton there will be no miracle grow left in the bottle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bgrae001
the Phytoplankton feed on the miracle grow. so when its time to use the phytoplankton there will be no miracle grow left in the bottle.
Thats what i was kind of thinking. Are you sure, or just speculating?


Originally Posted by bgrae001
the Phytoplankton feed on the miracle grow. so when its time to use the phytoplankton there will be no miracle grow left in the bottle.
That's kinda what I thought too. Off of that, I will start a plankton farm in my garage Monday!!! Does temp matter while farming because right now the garage is very cool but will get hot in the summer. I guess I can do it inside in a closet if temp matters.


I've been doing mine in an unheated basement. It stays cool down there. I think that a warmer temp would cause the culture to grow faster. Mine has been set up for a week and every day it is getting a darker green color. When I started it was a light blue from the fertilizer. I used tap water to promote the growth of algae that the phytoplankton eat.
Be sure to give it a nice swirl everyday. the phytoplankton will begin to settle on the bottom of the bottle, as the phytoplankton get more dense you will notice less settling on the bottom. After the first night I thought it crashed because all the phytoplankton settled on the bottom of the bottle and my water was just a light color blue. I gave it a gentle shake and it all mixed up again. I'll post a pic when my first batch is done.


Originally Posted by reefmate75
use a air line with a rigid pice of air tubeing and a air pump to keep the photo mixed up and airated, works great
I have that in both of the bottles i'm doing, at first I had a lot of settling, now I hardly get any at all.


This morning I went and checked out my Phytoplankton and the bottles are very green. I think that in a week they will be ready to use! yea!!!