Pyramidellid or Rissoid snail?


Active Member
Just found several of these on the glass in my tank, and I am hoping for a positive ID are they Pyramidellid, Rissoid or something different all together? I have noticed tons of eggs on my glass over the last few months not sure what was laying the eggs and never got a chance to take a picture. I have astrea snails, mexican turbos, turbo snails, nassarius, and I think a few ilyanassa-obsoleta snails.
I checked my clam and did not see any on it but I will remove it from the tank tomorrow and check more thoroughly the pics aren't great but it was the best that I can do before they retreated back into the sand bed. If need be I'll see if I can remove a couple tomorrow and take better pics.



Those don't look like pyramids to me, mainly because it appears they are munching on the glass algae.
Do you have snails? Check them too. If you see none, then there is a pretty good chance they are the rhissoids (sp?)


Active Member
do you have any cerith snails? they have lain eggs like mad in my tank, and the babies (that grow) look like them as well.


Active Member
Update: My wife got up during the night and she said there were hundreds of them all over the glass.
Nope no cerith snails in my tank, and I haven't seen any on my other snails but I did do a google search for snail eggs and the eggs that I had were super tonga nassarius snail eggs. Is it possible they survived? Has anyone ever had them successfully reproduce in their tank?


New Member
I've got them as well. I bought 8 nassarius snails about 3 months ago and just noticed these little guys about a month ago. I hope they are baby nassarius and not pyrimid snails. Anyone think these are baby Nassarius?
Attachment 216464


Active Member
If you send them to me I maybe able totell which they are. Or if you can get top/bottom pics like mine below I may be able to tell.
These are pyrams....

But I don't think that is what you have.


New Member
Yah, I've been keeping a close eye on these little guys, I'd say i have over 200, its crazy they are everywhere. They aren't attacking my turbo snails like I've seen in some pictures online. Their foot or hold or whatever its called that they move with, looks a lot like the Nassarius snail's.


Active Member
The stuff on its shell looks more like slime from the snails foot when they bury themselves. My nassarius snails lay eggs on my glass every month or so and they lay them out in a a swirling pattern on the glass like this: