Q Tank


New Member
I have a couple of questions re: Q Tanks/Show Tank
I have had my show tank for approximately 2 months. It is a 55 gallon tank and I have 50 pounds of live rock with a protien skimmer. I am *trying* to go as slow as possible as I have a friend who overstocked her tank and lost all of her fish so I have 2 damsels and a turbo snail in there. I saw a Coral Beauty at the local pet store yesterday and it appears to be really healthy. The employee said they have had the fish for about 1 week and it has been acclimating really well. I decided I would wait for a couple of days before I go back. Getting to the point....... I had the two damsels in the Q Tank for 3 weeks and my nitrite levels were high. I was changing the water regularly; however the nitrite levels were still high. I am afraid the levels will go up again with the Coral Beauty. I have a corner filter in the 10 gallon tank. Any suggestions on how to maintain the water levels in this small tank? Thanks! Kalisa


New Member
Hi Ed, thank you for your reply. Does it matter that I took my water from my main tank and that has been cycled? Sorry if that is a dumb question but I am really new at this. If that isn't the case and the filter must be cycled (and it is a corner filter) how long does it need to run before adding fish?