q-tip sponges.

ok folks i have a 10 fowlr going at my girlfriends house right now. Q-tip sponges are taking over. is there anything i can do to get rid of them?


Active Member
Reduce nutrients.
What is your nitrate reading?
They'll probably go away on their own. They kind of 'cycle' through, like several other types of algae.


Active Member
You're sure they're Q-tips?
Hey, as long as infestations go, this isn't so bad. Could be bubble algae or aptasia.
If you get really frustrated, you can try to physically remove some, but I'm not sure if that's just going to release spores or anything into the water and make the problem worse.
well going by the pictures under the hitchhikers forum on here thats what they are. its funny, i have aptasia and i have maybe like around 6, and that number hasnt changed in a long time. my feather dusters and q-tips have duplicated like crazy though.