Q's for my new nanocube I set up today!


New Member
I am new to this forum and this is my first aquarium ever owned. I have a 24 gallon nanocube. I have a couple of questions.
1. After I place my live rock, can I rearrange them later on. If rearranged later on, what damage will it do, if any?
2. After about 2 to 3 hrs. after setting up my tank, there are numerous tiny air bubbles stuck to the walls of my tank. Do these go away with time or can I just scrap them off? I prefer to not stick my hand in there as much as possible. Any help what be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Originally Posted by kobain06
I am new to this forum and this is my first aquarium ever owned. I have a 24 gallon nanocube. I have a couple of questions.
1. After I place my live rock, can I rearrange them later on. If rearranged later on, what damage will it do, if any?
2. After about 2 to 3 hrs. after setting up my tank, there are numerous tiny air bubbles stuck to the walls of my tank. Do these go away with time or can I just scrap them off? I prefer to not stick my hand in there as much as possible. Any help what be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Welcome to the boards!!!! Yes, you can rearrange your rock at any time and the microbubbles will pop. Take a look in the nano tank forum for some great ideas of what people do with their nano tanks!!! Any questions you may have don't hesitate to ask!


If you don't re-arrange your LR at least once after initially putting it in, you're either incredibly lucky, exremely easy to please, or unconscious!
Just kidding, it took me several hours and a lot of taking some pieces out and re-arranging before I was satisfied with how the rock looked.
Indeed, there will be itty-bitty bubbles on virtually every surface for a while, eventually they'll go away.
Isn't it great though? Getting the rock in place is one of those major milestones, and really pleasing to see the tank starting to take shape.


New Member
Thank you guys very much for answering q's that can seem like no brainers. It is pleasing to know that I can get good replies in a prompt manner. Wow!


Active Member
man i have rearranged at least 4 times since ive had my tank of 4 months. i love to do it tho.