QT ? clown fish


New Member
I have had my display going since Aug 5th. I have my QT ready for fish I think?
I was wanting to get a pair of Clowns. They will be going in a 46g.
I was wanting some advice on which way to go first. Since clowns are known for Brook,
is this something you can treat before you see any signs? If so I need to treat for this first...right? B/c copper isn't the treatment!

I just want to try and do it right. Any advice is appreciated
Thanks in advance :cheer:


Staff member
Cat, first be sure to get a mated pair of clowns for the QT, since non-paired clowns may end up being rather aggressive. In the closed confines of the QT, there won't be too many places for a harassed male to go.
Brook is treated with formalin bathes. The procedure is explained in detail in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. I would go ahead and find a source for formalin, however, I would not treat, unless it becomes necessary.
You are many steps ahead of many hobbyists by deciding to set up a QT. Good job!


New Member
Thanks for taking the time to help me Beth.
I'm still so very new at this forums thing.
I will make sure to finish the search on the QT. I have the meds already just really wasn't sure about the order of treatment.
I have 1 more question.
I started getting readings from Amm, Nitrite, &Nitrates now everthing is back at 0.
Did I miss the cycle or do something wrong?
What I have is...
30lbs LR
60 lbs LS
again I started Aug 5th.
Any suggestion


Staff member
No, with the LR in the tank, it is help to significantly populate your QT with needed bacteria. When I set up my last tank, using live rock and deep sand bed, I never had a cycle at all.
Also, feed your LR a bit of food every day, otherwise it won't stay live.