I have 4- 20gal QT's that I am having a terrible time maintaining cycle in hypo. I only have 1 tang in each (less than 3 in). I have lost one tang already because of Nitrite, and my Angel. I have to do big water change on them daily to keep nitrite down. I do the water change after I feed. Amquel nor Niteout has not helped. I supplement water changes from the DT in the QTs and also have added a cup of substrate from DT in 1.
Cycle was fine before hypo.
One of these tanks had live rock. A pair of Anthias reside. As I increase hypo the Nitrites are developing, but even though I removed the rock my experiences so far are not going to prevent rise in Nitrites..
What am I doing wrong?
I lost 2 to secondary bacteria. I currently have a purple tang in one tank that was clean. I have had him for a couple months in QT when ick appeared. I immediately started hypo (July 14) but the ick spots have not fallen off. He looked like he was developing secondary infection so I started Maracyn 2. He seems slightly stressed with the Marcyn 2 but is eating.
Any suggestions?
Cycle was fine before hypo.
One of these tanks had live rock. A pair of Anthias reside. As I increase hypo the Nitrites are developing, but even though I removed the rock my experiences so far are not going to prevent rise in Nitrites..
What am I doing wrong?
I lost 2 to secondary bacteria. I currently have a purple tang in one tank that was clean. I have had him for a couple months in QT when ick appeared. I immediately started hypo (July 14) but the ick spots have not fallen off. He looked like he was developing secondary infection so I started Maracyn 2. He seems slightly stressed with the Marcyn 2 but is eating.
Any suggestions?