QT Cycle Question


Active Member
Thats what I did with a water change---filled my QT, checked parameters for a few weeks and the tank was ready to go, no problems. BUT is your main tank established? fully cycled? etc. that will make a HUGE difference.


New Member
Yes, my main has been up for about 3 months. I am acctually setting it up for a hospital right now, and then will use it for qt.
My fish have ick, but the worst one my clown is finnaly letting some shrimp clean him up, but I still want to rid my main tank alltogether, so I want to pull all my fish out.


Active Member
Just from my experience. Like you said all the parameters are ok in the main tank, then there should be no problems taking water from the main into the hosp/QT. Just add a filter, heater (if necessary), and some hiding spots. I used cheap "fake rock" not uncured just fake) or pvc piping. The tank should be the same as your main, but just make sure (ease of mind). I also, before I knew better, added a thin layer of LS, but you should paint the bottom to help with reflections and aggressiveness towards themselves. Yes, get all the fish out, and start hypo from there. HTH


New Member
Thanks, Clarkii
That is what I wanted to hear. I did read to add a cup of your substrate, in my case cc. I went ahead and did this becaues they said it is not enough to absorb any meds, and I figure it will help with ph.