QT Cycled...Need Help Finalizing Fish List


Well...finally go the QT cycled and my fish list narrowed down. Just need some help with the order to add them. I know that you should add the fish from most peaceful to most aggressive and I think that I've done that, but the confirmation from the experienced hobbists would be greatly appreciated. I am putting these into a 65 gallon tank. Currently have inverts and a few zoo frags. Anyway here is the list and the order:
1. Pair of Percula Clowns
2. Midas Blenny
3. Filamented Flasher Wrasses (3 total...2 females and 1 male)...Can all 3 be added at the same time?
4. Flame Hawkfish
5. Flame Angel
6. Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish (only if I can find a juvenile...would love to find a yellow one)
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
cant help much but your stock list is what i want to put into my tank, just got it so it will be awhile


Originally Posted by estein02
Well...finally go the QT cycled and my fish list narrowed down. Just need some help with the order to add them. I know that you should add the fish from most peaceful to most aggressive and I think that I've done that, but the confirmation from the experienced hobbists would be greatly appreciated. I am putting these into a 65 gallon tank. Currently have inverts and a few zoo frags. Anyway here is the list and the order:
1. Pair of Percula Clowns
2. Midas Blenny
3. Filamented Flasher Wrasses (3 total...2 females and 1 male)...Can all 3 be added at the same time?
4. Flame Hawkfish
5. Flame Angel
6. Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish (only if I can find a juvenile...would love to find a yellow one)
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
2) then 3) then 1) then 5) then 4) then 6) Make sure your fish are larger than half the size of the lion. If they are then you can bump him up on the list. Add the hawk last or close to last. They can be brats. I have a falco, they are calmer than flames. The hawk will harass any fish added after him.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
2) then 3) then 1) then 5) then 4) then 6) Make sure your fish are larger than half the size of the lion. If they are then you can bump him up on the list. Add the hawk last or close to last. They can be brats. I have a falco, they are calmer than flames. The hawk will harass any fish added after him.

Thank you very much...that is exactly what I was looking for. Checked out the falco...pretty neat looking. If I were to go with that instead of the flame should it still be added after the flame angel?


Having trouble finding the midas blenny at stores in the area and online. Any suggestions for finding one or recommendations on another type of blenny? I was originally interested in a lawnmower blenny but liked the colors of the midas better.


Active Member
I would go with Sepulatian's suggested order as well. Definitely the hawk as one of the last, only before the lion.
The midas should not be too hard to find. They are in stores up this way pretty commonly.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
I would go with Sepulatian's suggested order as well. Definitely the hawk as one of the last, only before the lion.
The midas should not be too hard to find. They are in stores up this way pretty commonly.
Thanks...I did find one store that just got some in, but they said that they were 4-5 inches. Didn't really want them that big initially. The store that I trust most didn't have any...hopefully they will get some in soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by estein02
Thanks...I did find one store that just got some in, but they said that they were 4-5 inches. Didn't really want them that big initially. The store that I trust most didn't have any...hopefully they will get some in soon.
See if your store will track them down and order one for you. 4-5" seems big for a blenny. Is that full grown for the midas? I don't know much about them.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
You are usually going to find them on the larger side. Midas blennies usually do not arrive small.
Thanks for the information. I guess I was just picturing buying it when it was a little smaller...4" sounds big to me...especially for $50 (guess I don't have to worry about paying for shipping though). Any recommendations on another blenny if I wanted to find something a little smaller? Thanks again...


I did find them on another website but after shipping charges the $50 locally is less expensive. The LFS I would like to get it from said they would try, but no promises. Might just go with the $50 one if it looks good and is eating. They just got them in yesterday so I am going to wait until this weekend before I check em out. Maybe by then other LFSs in the area will have gotten them in. Thanks...
Earlybird...How are the clowns doing?


Alright...I've changed things a little bit and decided that I want some shrimp, so I am nixing the hawkfish. Not sure exactly what type of shrimp yet, but from what I've read they seem to be very beneficial to the tank so it seems wise to add a few. I also am going to add a Watchman Goby. So I am thinking that adding the goby prior to the blenny would be the way to go...then keep everything else the same.
In regards to the shrimp...any suggestions on which type would be best to add? I was thinking about a pistol, pepperemint and fire shrimp. Thanks...


Originally Posted by estein02
Alright...I've changed things a little bit and decided that I want some shrimp, so I am nixing the hawkfish. Not sure exactly what type of shrimp yet, but from what I've read they seem to be very beneficial to the tank so it seems wise to add a few. I also am going to add a Watchman Goby. So I am thinking that adding the goby prior to the blenny would be the way to go...then keep everything else the same.
In regards to the shrimp...any suggestions on which type would be best to add? I was thinking about a pistol, pepperemint and fire shrimp. Thanks...
bump...looking for shrimp advice...thanks...


Originally Posted by estein02
Alright...I've changed things a little bit and decided that I want some shrimp, so I am nixing the hawkfish. Not sure exactly what type of shrimp yet, but from what I've read they seem to be very beneficial to the tank so it seems wise to add a few. I also am going to add a Watchman Goby. So I am thinking that adding the goby prior to the blenny would be the way to go...then keep everything else the same.
In regards to the shrimp...any suggestions on which type would be best to add? I was thinking about a pistol, pepperemint and fire shrimp. Thanks...
Shrimp are not a necessity at all. If you want some for looks then that is good.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Shrimp are not a necessity at all. If you want some for looks then that is good.
From what I've read it seems like they are for more then just looking cool. Cleaners aid in keeping parasites of fish...pistols help to keep the sand clean. Am I wrong? I really like the idea fo pairing a watchman goby up with a pistol shrimp.


Originally Posted by estein02
From what I've read it seems like they are for more then just looking cool. Cleaners aid in keeping parasites of fish...pistols help to keep the sand clean. Am I wrong? I really like the idea fo pairing a watchman goby up with a pistol shrimp.
If you quarantine your fish then there is no need for a cleaner. Cleaner shrimp will eat SOME parasites, but they will NOT keep an ich infestation even close to controlled. Detrivores do a better job at cleaning the sand than a pistol will do. You need detrivores that burrow in the sand.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
If you quarantine your fish then there is no need for a cleaner. Cleaner shrimp will eat SOME parasites, but they will NOT keep an ich infestation even close to controlled. Detrivores do a better job at cleaning the sand than a pistol will do. You need detrivores that burrow in the sand.
What do you recommend as a good detrivore...more nassarius snails?