QT Filter Question


I am running a QT tank right now.
I am using an AquaClear 70 Power Filter on a 20 gal tank. It says its good for 40-70 gallon aquariums. My question is about the filter media. It comes with carbon, foam filter, and biomax insert.
I am not using the carbon as I am treating the tank with copper and medication for gill disease. My question is the first day the medication looked like it was working but now it doesn't. Could it be the biomax insert working like live rock and absorbing the medication?
This biomax media looks like little pouris stones with holes in the middle of them. Should I take them out? Right now I am doing daily water changes since the amonia is high.
I am also using this filter (110 model) on my rock that is curing so is that ok or should I be using something else? Which I am still not seeing any ammonia. Been curing for a week came pre-cured but shipped 2 day.
Can anyone let me know how to run a qt all the time. I have a fluval 305 filter (canistar) for the new qt that is being made that will run 24/7 but is there certain media I do not want to keep in it?


Just like LR, the biomax stones will absorb the copper. You can still use the biomax but you need to check the copper level every day and add more as necessary.


I check it every night and its at 2.0 I am using cooppersafe. It has been a week and my angel still has signs of ick. Still swimming around but she just wont get rid of the ick the other fish seem fine (ick free) but my angel has a few on the tips of her fins and a mass/clump of them on one fin. I am thinking about doing a dip on her if they dont fall off by the weekend.
Thanks for the info.


I read that post the other day
Per the instructions on the bottle of coppersafe it says 1.5-2.0.
My API test kit measures from 0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0.
Therfore how would I read 2.5. ANd the color difference between 2.0 and 4.0 is big
Not tring to argue just trying to get my fish healthy


Maybe someone who has used coppersafe can help you better. I've never used it myself. I was just telling you what I read.