QT?FOWRL?? heeelp


A place for all your new livestock to hang out before dropping them into your display tank. Completely isolated from your main tank


Active Member
Not just a place to hang out. It isn't a good habbit to just place new fish into your display tank (DT) without first monitoring them and making sure they aren't sick. If you don't have any fish in your main tank then a QT tank isn't necessary.
If you do have fish already and you are wanting to purchase new ones then you should have a QT tank. Most of the time if a fish is sick you won't notice it at the store, or for a few days for that matter after the purchase. The symptoms won't come around until further down the road and by that time all of your other fish will have gotten infected.
If you do purchase fish that become sick, with ick for example, you can use the QT tank to treat the sick fish. Because most treatments for ick will actually kill inverts. If you can afford it QT tanks are great ideas and should always be used - but if you are poor like myself and only have a few fish they aren't necessary (unless they get sick).
Hope that helps you out.


What exactly is needed in a QT tank? Do you need everything your DT has? skimmer, heater/chiller, etc etc?


my QT just has a hang on back filter...no skimmer. we have a heater for it, but since we are in texas, we really don't need it. pretty basic stuff.


Active Member
Agreed all you really need is a heater and a piece of LR. If you have a lot of fish in your QT then you probably should think about a filter. HOB filters are really cheap though and a great solution - BUT if you are medicating the QT tank make sure not to use active carbon. A lot of HOB filters have filter pads that have carbon in them - which would negate the effect of the medication.