qt frag coral??


i have heard people say quarantine everthing,i qt fish,but frag of coral,i have minimum light on qt tank,is it neccasary to qt aquacultured frags,i dont see how??


Active Member
It is important to quaranteen coral to make sure that you are not bringing in any bacterial infections, parasites such as flat worms or red bugs, and other reef destroying organisms. The best thing to do is dip coral (those that can be dipped) in iodine. For those that cannot be dipped in iodine ( mostly soft coral) a quick fresh water dip will do better than nothing at all.
Yikes! I never heard of this! Tell me more on the process of dipping either in freshwater or Lugols?
P.S. Sorry for hijacking your thread - I wanna learn too!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Princess8077
Yikes! I never heard of this! Tell me more on the process of dipping either in freshwater or Lugols?
P.S. Sorry for hijacking your thread - I wanna learn too!

Ive read that flatworms, when dipped in freshwater for a quick dip (2 seconds underwater is quick) they detach from whatever theyre on. Im not sure about red bugs. Sorry but Im not familiar with the iodine. A wrapup of corals that can be dipped in iodine would be great!


Active Member
I have never heard of corals that cannot be dipped in an iodine. I have dipped all of my corals at one time or the other. My SPS, Softies, LPS, zoos.
I have dipped zoos in an high iodine solution and I really enjoy the nudis and Flatworms falling off.
I tend to dip for about five minutes. I also do freshwater dips all the time.


Active Member
As per Kent Tech D, "It is not recommended for colonial or other anemones, gorgonians, or polyps." "It is useful for small polyped stoney corals, lage polyped stonies, leather corals and most soft corals."
A very similiar recommendation is on Tropic Marin Coral Cure as well. Unfortunately I cannot seem to find the actual documentation. I believe the tropic marin has a small list of what not to dip. dont remember.