QT inverts?


I've been doing fish-only tanks for many years now, but never once tried an invert. From what everybody here has been saying, a cleaner shrimp is the thing to try. I am planning to eventually uprade one of my 30 gallons to a tank with LR, my sebea clown, a cleaner shrimp, and possibly a small flame angel if there's room (tell me if there is). My question is, do you have to QT inverts? Just like you would fish? How long? Also, do cleaner shrimp need to be fed often?? All help, suggestions and advice is welcome, thanx in advance! ~Fishgirl


Hmmm, tricky one! I think you have to view reef tanks differently to fish tanks. You can virtually sterilize the water in a fish tank and treat all fish before you introduce them. In a reef tank I personaly dont think you should use a UV steriliser. You are looking to create a mini ecosystem where many microscopic organisms are beneficial.
Remember the majority of disease treatments cant be used in reef tanks as they contain copper which would kill the inverts.
QT for inverts may be beneficial in some ways, you certainly do not want to introduce Bristle Worms, Flatworms or Rock Anemones to your display tank and QT would help you spot and remove these. However, not many people have QT tanks that can support inverts as well as their main tank.
I have never treated any of my invert tanks for any diseases. I have only ever lost one fish to whitespot.
As far as the easiest inverts to start with, I would say the shrimps, crabs and feather dusters (tubeworms/fanworms). Condylactis is probably the easiest anemone to keep and only requires modest lighting.
If you are setting up a reef tank it may well be worth QT your fish before you introduce them as treatment is far easier when inverts are not present.
On a final note, beware of products that say they are safe for use in invert tanks. They may not damage your corals or other inverts but they may kill microrganisms that are an essential part of the balance and food web that has been achieved in your aquarium.


I got a cleaner shrimp and did not qt him. That is probably not ideal but he is fine and did not infect my tank with any worms or anything. He is my favorite tank member. I sometimes feed him brine shrimp twice a day or I may go 3 days without feeding him. He is fine either way. You can actually see how full he is because he is transparent. He is funny. When I put in food he goes absolutly nuts, like he has never been fed before. I think the shrimp, clown, and angel is fine but i wouldn't add anymore.


Hi Fishgirl,
I really enjoy the three hermit crabs in my tank (2 red legged reef crabs and a blue zebra) - I also have seen glimpse of something with brown hairy legs lurking in my Live Rock that I've been told may be a "rock crab". I also have a star fish I just added that I find absolutely fascinating! Just something to think about.
I won't be able to keep these when I get my Puffer, but otherwise I am told they do not add significantly to the bio-load of the tank and do a great job of clean-up. (I know the crabs would be eaten quickly by a Puffer, but does anyone know about Puffer-Starfish compatibility? The LFS thought it would be OK, but I have my doubts)
just something for you to consider!
[This message has been edited by DennisH (edited 05-01-2000).]


Fishgirl, I think you would LOVE a cleaner shrimp. You seem to enjoy your fish as much as I do, and if that is the case I know you would get alot of joy watching your cleaner shrimp. My shrimp, Ling, is alot of fun and eats out of my hand. She has helped with ich on my coral beauty, and is growing very fast. She just molted again on the 3rd, and that was only 11 days since she molted last. I also have a shrimp that is sometimes referred to as "port wine" cleaner shrimp. She is vivid red with white spots and very long legs . Twice as expensive as a regular cleaner, but beautiful. Get yourself one. My yellow tang loves them!


Cool, I have a yellow tang, too! I never run out of new things to try with this hobby. Thanx for the encouragement, and yes, I am totally and fully obsessed with this hobby, and have been since age 9! (Animals rock my world!)