QT Question for Gobies


I am thinking of getting a Green Clown Goby and Orange Daimond Goby. Do they need to be QT'd? I am thinking of the Orange Daimond Goby to help clean the sand, would this be a good choice?


Active Member
Originally Posted by anthonym28
I am thinking of getting a Green Clown Goby and Orange Daimond Goby. Do they need to be QT'd? I am thinking of the Orange Daimond Goby to help clean the sand, would this be a good choice?
I'm a fairly new goby owner (white watchman, for 2 months). The fish is constantly cleaning something, the sand, the rocks, hermit shells..and if he's not cleaning, he is redecorating. He moves things, believe it or not.
He eats flake, pellet, mysis...molly fry.
Yes to the QT question..why wouldn't you, if you have a choice?
Good luck; they are entertaining. Don't do it if you are a control freak, because so are they!


I am planning on QT'ing my gobies. The one in particular that I hear that you do not need to QT is the Mandarin Dragonet (or Mandarin Goby as it is often called)


I QT everything, but I read for Mandarin's you don't. Just wanted to make sure they were not in the same class.


Active Member
QT is the safest bet in any case. The quarentine is to protect your display tank, not only the new addition.
Why take a chance even if it is a small chance? Very expensive, if the odds don't go in your favor.


Check one of the other posts I made a few days back about a Mandarin. It seems to be the general consensus that those fish in particular do not need to be QT'd, not to mention that because of their specific food source you could starve them in a bare QT tank.
I highly recommend QT'ing anything and everything else after what I recently went through. The headaches, time and money saved are well worth it even though you don't get the instant gratification of dumping them in the DT the same day =)


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Mandarines are the ONLY fish that does not need to be QT'd.
I agree.
Keep in mind - if the gobies come down with a parasite, they cannot be treated with a medication (copper, formalin, malachite, etc.) It will burn their skin.