QT question


Active Member
Since you are not supposed to put any LR or LS in your QT, what are you supposed to do if you go for long periods of having nothing in it? Do you have to do something to keep the cycle going? Or should I just set up the QT as needed?


Originally Posted by corally
Since you are not supposed to put any LR or LS in your QT, what are you supposed to do if you go for long periods of having nothing in it? Do you have to do something to keep the cycle going? Or should I just set up the QT as needed?

Why not put any live sand or a piece of live rock or something to make your animals feel safe?
QT time should be at least 2 weeks or more depending on what you have and what happens. So if you having a load in your QT system would it not be good to have a proper cycled sytem to handle what you plan to have in it?


Active Member
the tank is already cycled and has been used. But on this site it says not to put in any LS or LR. What I'm wondering is, if I don't need to use the tank for months at a time will it be okay?


if you have something to keep the bacteria alive in your system it will that is why I said to have certain things for if it not used for a long period of time, you might as well just keep it dry until you need it and then fill it up and hope it works.
small amount of food just put in will keep the bio going. but there is nothing wrong with you having a nice QT.