QT question


When I order my Queen Angel and Naso Tang, will they both be OK in a 10g QT for a week or 2? Will it be OK to just add the Queen to the main tank, and have the Naso in the QT if I cant have them together? I have heard that Queens are somewhat hardy, so thats why I mentioned maybe doing that. Thanks
EDIT: Also, whats up with the Blonde Naso being 90 bucks and the other Blonde Naso being 40? Is one different than the other? I am going to buy the 40 doller one, but not if it doesnt looking like a Blonde Naso?


Active Member
i would QT them both, but deff. not in a 10 gallon unles they are each like .5 inches, id say 55 minimum to QT


Well, I only have a 10g QT and a 55g running for my Octopus (4 months old). I could put them in there I guess, and if something happens, I could move them to the 10g and do Hypo if needed. Would that work?


Active Member
No, I would not QT them in a 10 gallon tank. You want to QT them for 3 weeks to make sure that they don't have any disease or anything of that sorts. I probably would not QT them in your octopus tank either. That is my opinion though.


Ok thank you. Now, which is more hardy in your opinion... The Queen Angel (medium), or a Blonde Naso Tang, or an Emperor Angel (changing). I am trying to decide between them. Thanks


Active Member
IMO its best to go ahead and spend the money on a proper size QT system if you are going to be getting big and delecate fish to stock your new tank with.
Not sure where your pricing the nasos from but be carefull when selecting them because color morph depends on the region and --- of them.


I am pricing the 40 doller Naso from SWF. Look under tangs. It is near the top. I am going to make my 55g into a QT, I am not getting the Octopus anymore. But my question is, will I need a protein skimmer, and wet/dry for the 55g QT? or can I sell those off cna buy a power filter of some sort. Thanks


Active Member
Lots of post on how to set up a proper QT on the boards and as I said....region and --- also matters as to what you pay for them too, different colors and hardyness. The $90 is a Red Sea Male.


Active Member
haha, First it was going to be a 180, then a 220, now a 240, you keep raiseing the size and youll never save enough money....JK


It was a 180, then a 240. I keep accidently saying 220. lol. Well, I have 145 bucks to spend on 2 fish from SWF. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Not to make you mad or anything but I sugest that you wait untill the 240g is set up and ready. You will need a lot of money for more equipment and lighting and bigger filters and rock ect. ect. The tanks not ready and your trying to but fish for it, right, everyonr always says patients is the key to success. A good book on marine fish would be a great thing to buy first.


I accually have 3 books. I have read 2 of them, and I am working on Bob Fenners book. Great book I'd say!


Active Member
Well, as Dogstar recommends, I would do some more reading and finish Fenner's book before you seriously jump into this. That way, you can save up more money and set the 240 tank up properly.